Working as a Senior Art Director for Mercado Livre (probably the largest e-commerce platform in Latin America) at GINGA Agency, together with a team of amazing art directors, copywriters, strategist and motion designers, allowed me to explore my creativity and innovation on daily basis.

I was able to contribute to campaigns that truly connected with our audience, such as CCXP, Drag Queens, and Pride, as well as regular commercial campaigns like Descontaço and Valentine’s Day.

What was really special about this experience was creating culturally relevant digital campaigns. Mercado Livre, as a client, truly understood the importance of speaking “the language of the people”. They inspired the whole team and gave us the freedom to do just that.

PS. As you watch the videos, I apologize for the excessive logos and fast letterings… When I worked there, Mercado Livre’s Digital Branding guidelines were really about excessive and repetitive characterization of the brand. I don’t believe this thype of branding works best with TikTok and Reels but they were pretty rigid about that.



Havas Portugal


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